Introducing Neuramon

Neural Network NFT Battle Monsters

3 min readAug 10, 2021

Unique and Nostalgic Art

Neuramon is an NFT collectible card game featuring neural network-generated battle monsters. Each Neuramon’s artwork is the product of a neural network trained to produce images that look like battle monsters from other franchises, but are completely novel. Neuramon is launching soon on Polygon (MATIC).

Fully Featured

Neuramon are all fully featured, including rarities, names, stats, abilities, attacks, and more. These are not just pretty pictures; the Neuramon NFTs are the collectible playpieces for a competitive multiplayer battle game.

A Neuramon’s stat array and partial moveset

Competitive Gameplay

The Neuramon Battle game is currently under development and will be based on the open source project Pokémon Showdown.

There will be two types of battles players can engage in: Friendly and Cutthroat. In a Friendly battle, any Neuramon that is reduced to 0 HP is considered Fainted and will be restored to good health after the battle.
In a Cutthroat battle, any Neuramon that is reduced to 0 HP is considered Dead and the associated NFT will be burned permanently. Winners of Cutthroat Battles will be rewarded for their risk.

Rare and Collectible

Neuramon are acquired through opening NFT Booster Packs. Each booster pack contains 3–4 Neuramon of varying rarities depending on the slot in the pack, just like physical trading card games. Additionally, packs may contain a special Shiny Neuramon with rare and unique art.
Track your collection in the Neuradex, a DApp library of information about all the Neuramon.

Secure Randomness

Physical trading card games have long suffered from “pack mapping,” a problem where the pseudorandom algorithms used to fill packs are derived and exploited by third-party vendors. It is possible in many instances to know exactly which booster packs contain high value cards.

Neuramon Booster Packs cannot be mapped (more details on this soon!).

Future Generations

The breakdown of NFT rarities in Generation One

Neuramon plans to release many generations of collectible NFTs. Generation One contains 151 Regular and 151 Shiny Neuramon.

Each Generation will only be available for a limited time in the form of Booster Packs. After this window of opportunity closes, the Booster Packs from that Generation will not be available for purchase in the future.

Stay Tuned to Start Building your Collection

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